Contemporary Medical Acupuncture
The contemporary medical acupuncture provided at Baden Integrative Health is a proven therapeutic technique that is used successfully to treat both pain and dysfunction within the body. The insertion of very fine acupuncture needles into specific neuromuscular sites on the body, stimulates the natural healing response within the tissue. After completing careful and in-depth functional examination of the body, the health care practitioner will determine which tissues (nerve, muscle, ligament, tendon, fascia) require stimulation. The stimulation may be done manually or often electricity is added to increase the healing response or to activate a muscular contraction. This effective neuromuscular technique can be very valuable in correcting improper motor/movement patterns as well as modulating abnormal activity of the nervous system, ie pain syndromes, sciatica, neuropathic pain.
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture, performed by a doctor of chiropractic is a safe and effective treatment for a wide variety of common conditions including: headaches, migraines, neck and shoulder pain, back pain, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and many other conditions. At Baden Integrative Health it is also commonly used a technique to improve athletic performance through increasing strength, endurance and most importantly technique.